Are you finishing your PhD and you are not sure what to do next?
Do you want to do a postdoc but you are not sure what is your best option?
Do you have enough information about potential careers inside and beyond academia?
Are there professional opportunities for PhDs outside the academic world?
How is that job market?
How to network efficiently?
What do I need to prepare a successful job application?
How can I get the most of a postdoc focus on my future career plans?
If you are in the last year of your PhD and you have one or more of these questions, please join the workshop “I have a PhD! What´s next?” to get some hints on how to navigate your options, make informed decisions and prepare the transition from your PhD to postdoc or jobs outside academia; whatever you decide.
During these sessions, we will explore who you are, what kind of career you envision and the strategies needed to secure a fulfilling professional career. The workshop will combine individual, teamwork and practical exercises; acquiring tools that will help you to open your mind to the new professional challenges.
You will have the opportunity to train with practical exercises on grant writing and a future job interview (Mock)